Student Credit Hour Policy


The purpose of this policy is to specify the academic credit hour practices at Columbia College.


This policy applies to all College students.


Columbia College’s credit hour assignment conforms to commonly accepted practices in higher education and follows the U.S. Federal Credit Hour Definition.  One semester hour normally represents one hour of contact time (50 minutes) and two hours of outside of class work for each week for approximately fifteen weeks.  At least an equivalent amount of work is required for internships, practica, laboratories, studios and other activities leading to the award of credit hours.  The assignment of semester hours to a course is proposed by department faculty, approved by the appropriate curriculum committee, and finalized by Academic Affairs.  

Online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes do not have the normal face-to-face contact time but all Columbia College courses cover the content specified on the course master syllabus. Equivalency in course rigor is maintained through strict adherence to the learning outcomes documented in the master syllabus and facilitated through the use of required online instructional activities.   

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them— that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.