Interim Student Suspension Policy


The College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all members of the College community.  In some circumstances, it may be in the best interest of the College community and/or an individual to temporarily remove and/or limit a student’s affiliation with the College until a more permanent resolution can be achieved.  This policy provides information about interim suspensions that are designed, in part, as a temporary measure to maintain a safe, healthy, and productive College environment.


This policy applies to all College students.


The Dean for Student Affairs or designee may suspend, without prior notice, any student whose behavior or conduct presents a perceived imminent risk or threat to the life, health, welfare, safety of any member of the College community.

A student suspended on an interim basis consistent with this policy shall be given an opportunity to appeal this decision by speaking with the Dean for Student Affairs or designee within two working days from the effective date of the interim suspension in order to determine the whether the behavior, conduct and/or condition and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the continued presence of the student in the College community poses a perceived imminent risk to any member of the College community.

A student placed on an interim suspension shall also be afforded, in a timely manner, an opportunity to present to the Dean of Student Affairs or designee any information they would like considered as the basis for an appeal or reversal of the interim suspension decision.

The Dean for Student Affairs or designee, in collaboration with the Students of Concern Action Team, may propose to monitor the situation, establish a behavioral contract, and/or pursue a voluntary withdrawal, excused withdrawal due to extenuating circumstances, involuntary withdrawal, or other appropriate disciplinary action.

Students placed on interim suspension will not be permitted to be present on College property, or to participate in any College activities, until a final resolution is reached.  An interim suspension period may last until final resolution of the matter. The Dean for Student Affairs or designee, in collaboration with the Students of Concern Action Team, will help determine an appropriate responsive course of action based on the individual circumstances of each situation.

An interim suspension may also be used if a student has appealed a sanction of suspension or dismissal until final adjudication has taken place.

Questions or concerns about this policy should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs.

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them— that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.